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Font Generator – Super Mario Font

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Super Mario Font Generator

You can use our font generator tool to create text in the style of the Super Mario logo.

The original Super Mario Bros. logo was custom-made and has evolved over the years. Several fonts are available that closely resemble the original and subsequent game logos. Here are some of the fonts you can use to achieve a similar look:

Super Mario Bros. Font

  • Super Mario 256 Font: This font is very similar to the original Super Mario logo and is available for free. It is a caps-only font with numerals and limited punctuation marks.
  • Gamtex Font: This font by FG Studios is also similar to the Super Mario logo and is free for personal use.
  • Typeface Mario World Pixel Filled Regular Font: This free font closely matches the Super Mario World game logo.
  • Chlorinap Font: This font is similar to the logos of Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Galaxy 2 games. It is an outline font and is free to use.

For the Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS/Wii U (2014) version logo, you can use the Kristopher Regular font by Vintage Voyage Design Supply.

Super Mario Bros. Movie Font

  • Olive MN Nord Font: This font is similar to the logo of the 1993 live-action Super Mario Bros. movie.

Latest Super Mario Bros. Animated Movie Font

  • Breuer Headline Regular Font: This font is similar to the “The Super” and “Movie” words in the latest 2023 Super Mario Bros. animated movie logo.
  • Gamtex Font and Super Mario 256 Font: Both these fonts are also similar to the latest movie logo.

These fonts provide a range of options to recreate the iconic Super Mario Bros. logos for various purposes, from games to movies.

In conclusion, don’t forget to browse through our diverse selection of fonts, including Danganronpa, Metallica, Wonka, Toys R Us, and Dodgers.


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