The Bouquet List Font
The Bouquet List is the ultimate handwriting, script font which is now available. When you compose any bucket list or itinerary in your diary while traveling, this Font might be your first choice which is inspired by the beauty of a flower bouquet and the elegance of handwriting. Vector developed and released the Font on May 27, 2018.
It has a smooth swash and a magical underlining thanks to its OpenType features. It also has PUA Encoded built-in. How do I quickly apply swash? After the word, type space three times. How do I make an underline? 2 or 3 or 4 times type underscore.
The following ligatures are included in this Font: 00 30 50 Cr Ch Fi Fo Fu bb cc dd ff ll mm nn rr ss at et ft tt att nt ar br cr dr er ir lr mr nr arr err irr tir om on oo ou ov ow ti to tz fz sz zz ck fa en do li es ess est ism ist ed id lk is it sa tis ct fi fl st ou. swash nt.swash on.swash st.swash. This Font is divided into three groups, each with its own set of glyphs. These are the following: There are 456 glyphs in The Bouquet List Regular (OTF&TTF), 456 glyphs in The Bouquet List Bold (OTF&TTF), and 69 glyphs in The Bouquet List Extras (OTF&TTF).
The Bouquet List is a handwritten Script typeface with more than 70 ligatures that provides gorgeous typography in an organic, realistic, and natural handwriting manner.
The font is perfect for Magazines, social media postings, travel blogs, travel vlogs, signatures, sticky notes, journals, quotes, restaurant menus, websites, women’s items, calendar marks, book covers, commercials, wedding designs, and even logo and branding.
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The Bouquet List Font View
Font info Table
Name | The Bouquet List Font |
Style | Script, Handwritten |
Designer | Vector |
File Format | TTF, OTF |
Font Licence | Free for Personal use. |
Type | Freeware Version. |
License Information
The Bouquet List Font is available for free personal use. The Font is also assessable for commercial purposes. However, purchasing a commercial license is strongly advised for commercial use. Buy the font: The Bouquet List Stunning Script Fonts ~ Creative Market